Saturday, April 19, 2008


Last week Spring Break ended, the hubby went off to a conference, and I thought life would get back to it's normal routine.  Anyone know what this means?  Yes, fellow-parents, you are correct - the girls got sick.  

In defense of Savannah, she's had an ear infection since before Easter, so she just remained sick (we're on antibiotic number 3.  Could tubes be in her future as well?  I have some extra kid earplugs for bathtime...).  

Sydney, however, thanks to her asthma inhaler, has been MUCH healthier this fall/winter/spring than the last couple.  We had a real humdinger sometime in January (oh man, it was bad - like four, crazy, unrelated illnesses at one time) but since then, we've been great.  Not so last week.  Though she never coughed hard enough to vomit (sorry for the description, but I was so grateful), she came close a couple times, and really wasn't able to function too well.  She had some throat pain that prevented swallowing even her favorite soft foods, and had to miss church on Sunday, which is a pretty major deal for us.  <---- (here I  would like to interject a thank you to my Mother-in-law, who not only made it possible for me to keep Sydney home and still teach Sunday School, but also spent a good portion of each day this past week helping me juggle the two sickies and their competing wellness schedules.  THANK YOU!)

Dad took Sydney to the doctor on Monday (and then got on his airplane) and they said it was probably a virus that should pass by the end of the week, but guess what happened Wednesday morning after breakfast.  "I'm really okay to go to school mom..." she insisted, as she barely ate some yogurt and then doubled-over onto her chair.  I told her to go to the couch and here's what I found maybe three minutes later:

Yep!  She's asleep.  Out cold.  This child NEVER falls asleep on the couch.  She's got the amazing willpower of her dad and can practically make her body do ANYTHING (including stay awake at ridiculous times and for ridiculous reasons).  I knew this was serious.  Just look at this face!

So, I called the doctor, called my Bible Study co-leader, and settled in for a day of nurse mom.  It turns out that she woke up from her little morning "nap" with a fever of 101.  Hooray for us, we won the doctor prize, and got ourselves an antibiotic.  When I took Savannah in on Friday (oh yes, it was a 3-fer), she was exhibiting all the same symptoms Sydney had had all week, but it turns out it's just the persistent ear infection rearing up again.  So we stopped one antibiotic halfway through day eight and are trying again with something even stronger.  At least this is only given once a day,  keeping my med checks mostly confined to the morning hours.  Add in Sydney's trip to the dentist the Friday before and my trip to said dentist just before Savannah's appointment yesterday and it's been a banner 10 days.  And it looks like my dear hubby is home just in time for my throat to get scratchy.  It could be allergies, right...? 

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