Monday, December 29, 2008

Helpful resource

As 2008 draws to a close, and my 5-year-old is counting down the days until 2009, it dawns on me that we've had quite a year for exploring different illnesses.  Not counting ear infections, colds, various forms of the flu (stomach and otherwise) and croupy stuff, we've had (in chronological order):  pinworms (at least it wasn't lice, but after the cleaning and laundry it was worse than I thought); a "fluidless" pneumonia (for two!); Hand, Foot and Mouth; and Scarlet Fever.  After all that, I found a pictorial site for determining rashes.  Not for the faint of heart, but helpful!  And much tamer than many others out there.  Wish I had seen this before we got our rashes...

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